Last time I published a post on Umred.Net, it was in the year 2013. So yes, I realize it has been a while. However, Umred is never far from my mind because the two people who inspire me the most live in Umred, my parents.
My mom is my hero and my Dad inspires me to dream. He chose his dream over inheritance and security when he was younger and I can never be thankful enough that he did that. They had nothing but dreams when they started and built enough from those dreams, to provide us kids with the best education and a good quality of life. A life so full of joy that each day I wake up feeling full of gratitude for all the beautiful experiences it offers.
Anyway, this is not a post on my family history or my life, it is about my dream for Umred. So, the most appropriate start to the post had to be about my parents, who taught me never to give up on my dreams.
Before I share more however, let me show you this photo I clicked last time I was in Umred.
Nothing great about it, eh? Yeah, did not think much of it myself but now from a distance, both in terms of space and time, here is what comes to my mind –

First of all, Umred in my dream is clean, no garbage lying around, everyone is responsible.
Even the shrubs on the side are landscaped – an initiative by the youngsters who decided not to collect money for the innumerable statues of Gods and Goddesses during the festivals. Who instead, collected money and hired people who could benefit from the project and work towards making Umred a more beautiful, clean and healthy place.
Then I see (in my dreams) those trees planted on both sides, simply because land so close to the water should not be wasted and can be put to a better use for the community.
I imagined coconut and palm trees at first but you know what? Mango trees just seemed better for the shade and the fruits that kids can enjoy during summer. Having birds take refuge in the trees sounds attractive too.
Not sure if you noticed the bench on the right. The idea is taken from my earlier post “Recycle Umred” where the bench is made of recyclable objects collected by the people of Umred and made for the people to rest and relax.
Also, from the same post notice the recycle bin next to the bench? It is there for people to dispose of their recyclable objects that can be used to create more benches and other things of use. Everyone gets to experience the joy of contributing towards the community, no matter how rich or poor.
I see the electrical wires set up in an orderly fashion and people taking pride in their work, paying attention to details instead of taking shortcuts.
And in my dream of course, Government officials care just as much (if not more) about the community as they do about their pockets.
While many in Umred may disregard this as a pipe dream, I am posting this for those who dare to dream. Besides, there is no denying the fact that everything starts with a dream and here is a start for those who would like to take it forward.