Formerly a weblog focused on Umred, this blog has transformed to delve into topics that align with my interests.
Umred – Shivapur Lake
Umred – Shivapur Lake

Umred – Shivapur Lake

Just starting out this space with the picture taken just a few kms from Umred. Umred is a small town in India. Will post more …but for now I am hoping this would set the ball rolling 🙂

Shivapur Lake - Umred
Shivapur Lake – Umred

Photo is courtesy of Mr. Abhijit Wegad


  1. Era

    Thank you Pranayani! It means a lot to receive these comments. I guess I should keep working on this blog then, eh? I can definitely promise you more colors. 🙂

  2. Pranayani

    “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” Serendipity to find this blog was heart warming… HOME … Umred where my heart lies…

    Era di… Just wanna congratulate u on the effort u have put in this blog … Displaying the Character & Charisma of Umred… Looking forward to see more colors added to it with further more dimensions…

  3. Era

    Yes, Ravi. Thank you for taking the time to comment! I am glad you like the site. I found Umred more interesting after travelling, so had to create this space, it’s about time someone did, right? 🙂

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