Formerly a weblog focused on Umred, this blog has transformed to delve into topics that align with my interests.
Abundant Umred
Abundant Umred

Abundant Umred

Abundance has been my focus lately as I notice everything around me. There is an abundance of love, energy, food, fun and many adventures that life has to offer.

It is all around us, each one of us. Just observe the existence and its abundance – why do we have so many different types of flowers, trees, and species etc.? In fact, abundance is the very nature of this universe.  There is absolutely no reason why anyone should suffer from lack.

Why then do we pinch ourselves off all the benefits that nature so generously offers? We get what we focus on the most. It is a universal law that I believe. So, are we all collectively as a society thinking more about the problems rather than the solutions?

Sunny Umred

Photo courtesy of Ms. Deepika Chouhan from Umred

Let’s take Umred for example:

What is the one thing that is most abundant in Umred? So much so that the very abundance of it causes discomfort.  It’s the SUN, shining so bright most of the year generating energy and heat all year round. And yet what people struggle the most for is energy – electricity.

It is like you are in perfect health, sitting in a park with fresh air all around you and wearing an oxygen mask so you can breathe. Perhaps, not the best analogy but I hope you get the drift.

Maybe, we are more aware and focused on the lack of sufficient electricity in Umred with frequent electrical load-shedding evoking that unpleasant feeling. Let this post serve then as a reminder that we don’t need to focus on something that’s unwanted and instead we can look at the unlimited potential that awaits us. Let’s think of ways to harness this energy?

– Introduce and promote more solar products in Umred
– Ask municipal corporation to install solar street lights
– Residents who can afford should purchase more solar products
– Research and use the internet to empower yourselves with knowledge of latest technology
– Engineering colleges in and around Umred can assign solar energy projects to their students
– Share your ideas with others and especially with those who can implement

Finally, look at solar power, not just as something to turn on the lights, but to open up new economic and other opportunities for everyone.


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