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A few people have asked me what made me write this quote and how is it relevant to Umred.
Well first, the picture was shot in Umred (alright! that’s not relevant, it’s just a picture of leaves that can be found anywhere) but what is relevant is that what I noticed in Umred made me write this quote.
I have lived here long enough now to see the two main examination results that everyone follows in Umred. S.S.C (10th grade) and H.S.C (12th grade or Junior College). Everyone is curious to know who the first three “top scorers” are. I understand the nervousness about the results because that would mean the child gets admission to a good college, even a scholarship, and that would mean less expense for parents.
But what caught my attention was when I heard disappointments among students when someone else scored higher than them or when parents misrepresented the results by their child to feel good or to brag. I guess it’s the same everywhere in India.
When did examinations become a thing of sport? Should it not serve its purpose as an instrument to show what a student is good at? And then accordingly plan the next move towards developing their life or career and to figure out where the child can best serve society?
Why must we feel the need to beat anyone at anything to feel better about ourselves?
If one seeks competition there are sporting events where one has to beat the other to be the winner. But not in life and certainly not in examinations – not according to me anyway. Each person has a different set of skills, qualities, limitations, challenges and circumstances. Even the best athletes get better by assessing their strengths first and then improving their personal score/performance each time.
This cartoon has been making the rounds on the internet.
I have been very fortunate to have parents who have always taught me to be true to myself and never forced or influenced any of their kids to become a Doctor or an Engineer or be like anybody else other than ourselves. Turns out, it was also fortunate for the rest of society because I know now that I would have become one lousy doctor – I cannot even watch a shot being administered on another on a screen let alone in real life or (horror) administer it myself.
In my ideal world, anyone who has given their best and is satisfied with their performance can feel good about themselves irrespective of what someone else has scored or what someone else has “achieved”. And no matter what work you do, if you can look back at it and feel proud to say that ‘Yes! that’s my work’ then that should be enough to make you feel good about yourself.
I am sure society needs people who would perform their work with sincerity and deliver their best, more than just Doctors and Engineers.
Power doesn’t come with numbers alone, it also comes with quality. (Anyone who has watched the movie “The 300 Spartans” will know that).
I am still learning the ropes of life and my perceptions may be flawed. I am sure many may disagree with me or have a different outlook on things. I invite you to comment and be brutal and honest about what you feel and do correct me where you think I am wrong.