Okay! So, I stayed long enough in Umred to start this blog but not long enough to continue. I knew I would leave Umred again to venture out and explore and probably would not have enough time to cover all aspects of the town, nevertheless, I created this online space – Umred.Net.
Mainly, because Umred had no proper online presence before, and I thought a place with a population that exceeds 60,000 should have its own website. Please do not quote me on that population number, I just made that up based on the “latest released but outdated” numbers publicly available. It is probably a lot more than that if you add all the people from surrounding areas.
However,”population” is not the topic of this blog post. What I wish to share with everyone is my desire to continue adding to this space. Only one problem though – I am not in Umred to take pictures and I do not carry any pictures from there.
One solution could be to subscribe to a service providing daily satellite pictures of Umred online, but I doubt any such service exists. Another option would be for people from Umred to email their pictures to me (era@umred.net), to be shared on the site with proper credits.
Until I start receiving some good pictures and stories to share, you can check these two pictures I clicked on the last day of my long visit.
[singlepic id=204 w=620 h=540 float=center]
P.S: I have been checking the weather on Umred.Net and can’t help but imagine the heat there. Hope everyone is keeping their cool on these hot summer days – monsoon clouds should not be very far.
Long Live Umred.net! 🙂
Happy that you like Umred.Net 🙂 Trying as best as I can to keep it going in spite of the distance.