Formerly a weblog focused on Umred, this blog has transformed to delve into topics that align with my interests.
Flourishing Wild Life in Umred – Karhandla Area
Flourishing Wild Life in Umred – Karhandla Area

Flourishing Wild Life in Umred – Karhandla Area

Just about 8 kms from Umred, is a (proposed) Umred-Karhandla Wild Life Sanctuary with more than 8 Tigers and other wild animals – like Gaur, Wild Dogs, Spotted Deers, Antelopes, Wild Boars, Peacocks, Leopards, Bears and even rare animals like Ratels and many more. In the picture below you can see one of the tigers from the area.

However, it is to be noted that people in general are not allowed to venture inside the forest without the permission of the Forest Department for obvious reasons, such as their own safety and to prevent poaching of animals. I must also inform the readers that if a person is caught inside the forest area without proper permission he or she can be arrested.


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