Formerly a weblog focused on Umred, this blog has transformed to delve into topics that align with my interests.
The river of time
The river of time

The river of time


I walked a few miles, only to stop
stop to look –
look back to see where I started
Started with what I had
What I had were borrowed dreams

I walked a few miles, only to stop
stop to talk –
talk back to my old self
Old self who is obsessed with reality
Reality that is artificial and overrated

I walked a few miles, only to stop
stop to hear –
hear what the old is telling me
telling me to let go
let go of regrets
regrets that are useless

I walked a few miles, only to stop
stop to feel –
feel the river of time
river of time that moves life
life that rushes, gushes and foams
foams as it flows into the ocean of eternity

Don’t stop then, keep moving
Keep moving, led by passion
Passion that fills the mind, heart and the moments
Moments that are but illusions
Illusions that make life worth living.



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